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- Ami Birangona Bolchee - Neelima Ibrahim
- Bangladesh – A Legacy of Blood - Anthony Mascarenhas
- Death to Life : Bangladesh as Experienced By a Missionary Family
- Genocide in Bangladesh, Kalyan Chowdhury
- Historic Six-Point Demand that led to the Independence of Bangladesh
- History of Freedom Movement in Bangladesh (1947-1973) - Jyoti Sen Gupta
- How Pakistan Violated Human Rights in Bangladesh: Some Testimonies
- Instrument of Surrender
- International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh and Trial of Crimes Against Humanity - Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission (ed)
- Killers and Collaborators '71, একাত্তরের ঘাতক ও দালালেরা - আজাদুর রহমান চন্দন
- Let There be Light: Commentary on IBA Fatwas - Tureen Afroz
- Liberation war of Bangladesh in Time Magazine
- Naming The Names: Introducing The Pakistani War Criminals - Dr Ahmed Ziauddin
- The Bangladesh National Liberation Struggle (Indemnity) Order, 1973 (President's Order No 16 of 1973) - Government of Bangladesh
- The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide - Gary J. Bass
- The Intolerable Sufferings of Seventy One - Shahriar Kabir
- The Pakistanis Used to Enjoy Everyday After Unleashing Torture on Us - Syed Suzauddin Ahmed
- The Vanguard of the Islamic Revolution: The Jama'at-i Islami of Pakistan - Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
- The Vanquished Generals and the Liberation War of Bangladesh - Muntassir Mamoon
- Trial of Collaborators - Naziruddin Ahmad
- Bangladesh Proclamation of Independence
- Collection of Newspaper Reports during 1971
- Full text of the Indictment Order of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh against Chowdhury MueenUddin and Ashrafuzzaman Khan
- Full text of the Indictment Order of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh against Delwar Hossain Saydee
- Full text of the Indictment Order of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh against Ghulam Azam
- Full text of the Indictment Order of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh against Muhammad Kamaruzzaman
- Full Text of the Judgment Delivered by the International Crimes Tribunal in the Case of Chief Prosecutor v Abdul Quader Molla
- Full text of the judgment delivered by the International Crimes Tribunal -2 in the Case of Chief Prosecutor v Abul Kalam Azad
- Full Text of the Judgment Delivered by the International Crimes Tribunal in the case of Chief Prosecutor v Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid
- Full Text of the Judgment Delivered by the International Crimes Tribunal in the Case of Chief Prosecutor Vs Delowar Hossain Sayeedi
- The East Pakistan Razakars Ordinance, 1971
- The events in East Pakistan, 1971: A legal study
- The International Crimes (Tribunals) Act 1973 [Act No XIX of 1973] - Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
- White Paper on the Crisis in East Pakistan
- 1500 Days of Minority Persecution in Bangladesh
- Bengal in 1756-57 - S.C. Hill
- Jamat-e-Islami’s link with Islamic militancy - Shahriar Kabir
- Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, Anno Domini 1757 - William Watts
- Rise of Islamic Militancy, Minority Persecution & Human Rights in Bangladesh
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